Bush Park and Capital Park :: Pregnant Friends! :: Salem Oregon Maternity Photography

This seems to be the summer of babies! Two of our good friends just had their babies (one delivered in April and the other two weeks ago). The two beautiful ladies in these photos are getting close – one is due at the end of July and the other in the middle of August. On top of all that, my wife and I are expecting our first child (a boy!) in just over a month 🙂

pregnant mom with dad baby bump

maternity photos in rose garden

baby bump and red roses maternity

maternity photos sunset flowers

maternity photos in park

baby bump in front of flowers

white marble maternity photography

Quinn Burke is a Portland wedding photographer based in Salem, Oregon. Quinn primarily serves Oregon and Washington (Portland, Salem, Eugene, Ashland, Bend, Lincoln City and Seattle areas), but can travel to nearly any destination. Contact Quinn to see if he is available for your wedding day!